Stories are the Bridges Between Us

Bring Your Story to Life with Expert Guidance

At, we believe in the transformative power of stories. Our mission is to help writers like you unlock the full potential of your narratives, turning them into compelling screenplays that connect and inspire.

  • Empower Your Creativity: Dive into our free Toolbox, filled with practical resources to enhance your storytelling skills and spark your imagination.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from actionable advice and real-world insights from Michael Esser, an award-winning writer who knows the ins and outs of the industry.
  • Tailored Support: Receive personalized assistance to overcome the challenges of screenwriting and realize your vision with clarity and confidence.

Every story deserves to be told, and every writer deserves the chance to share their voice. Join our community and embark on the journey to bring your masterpiece to life.

Start your storytelling journey today. Explore The Toolbox, schedule a consultation, and let ToTellAStory help you transform your ideas into a screenplay that bridges the gap between you and your audience.


Michael lives for stories. He is driven to amplify unique voices and inspire hearts.

Michael has worked with writers all over the world on their vision, and helped uncounted stories make it out of the drawer to the screen. Thirty years of writing, collaborating and giving advice, taught Mike to look to the past and the remote when it comes to the right source of wisdom for a fellow writer to succeed.   

Michael has option rights to bestsellers in nonfiction and fiction, as well as Pulitzer Prize-winning journalism, and has brought international partners together for development.

Michael worked as a juror for Bluecat, the Emmys and the Peter Ustinov Prize for Emerging Screenwriters, and he is a member of the selection committee for scriptwriting of the German Academy of Television and the International Emmy.

Michael’s clients and fellow writers have sold their material to Fremantle, Sony, Universal, MGM, and many more.

Michael has written and co authored more than 60 features, made for tv movies and over 30 episodes for scripted TV, family drama, crime thrillers and comedy. His own material has been optioned by Fremantle, Alive Entertainment and Rainmaker Content.

His adaptation of Ugly Betty saw 685 episodes and became the most successful access prime-time show of all time on German television. The show earned him a German Emmy and a Rose d’Or and confirmed him as a sought-after development professional.

Mike has worked with Dawn Prestwich and Nicole Yorkin, Daniel Cerone, Adi Hasak and Frank Spotnitz.


Stories are the magic that shape our world. Awaken the storyteller within you. Harness the hidden magic in your heart and reveal your story's full power to the world.

What we do


… is about getting your material out there. You have a story and you want to bring it to the marketplace. I will help you do that.

… is real input. Every writer must have gone through the “development hell” at least once in their life. But over and over again? That makes no sense. I am not going to give you general “feel-good tips”, but practical, straightforward, clear ideas about what is missing in your story and where to put it.

… is about getting it done. It is great if you found your voice, but if you did not find it (yet) that is ok, too. In the meantime, it is important to get your material out there.

… is hands-on. I am convinced that every story has its right shape and its right place. If you wrote a story and worked on it a lot, it is not always easy to see that shape and that place. I will help you get a clear vision of where you stand and where to go from here.

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Contact us and learn how we will help you get your material ready

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